Solbit Guarantee System

Solbit Guarantee System

Solbit Guarantee System can be used when user wants to increase limits of betting.

Once you put deposits into Solbit card, you will be able to see the amount with hallmark in Solbit system. Depending on amount of money, Grade will be given. When you put more money, you get the highest grade and increased betting limits. Deposits can be withdrawn any time when you want.

Additional benefits of using Solbit system is that you can get reward with a constant probability of Cryptocurrency if a winning average in creases by using games in casino. The target is Solbit token or one of major coins related with Solbit card. A kiosk which is connected with Solbit has been installed in casino, and it makes people receive Cryptocurrency in real time and withdraw money anytime.

We also consider installing additional machines or games to get Satoshi in Solbit Arena.


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