How to work Solbit in ‘Currency Exchange Platform’?

How to work Solbit in ‘Currency Exchange Platform’?

In order to minimize liquidity of exchange rates that caused by the difference in spreads and burden of consumer's payment, ‘Solbit’ is developing a platform to exchange or buy currency freely between countries with minimum fee.

‘Solbit Currency Exchange Platform’ aims to provide convenience to consumers by minimizing the burden of payment caused due to the big difference of exchange rate spread, taking advantage of transaction in trade and stabilizing of Solbit.

We are focused on Asian market where has big differences of spread to make them to exchange Yen, Won, Yuan to Solbit directly including Dollar and Euro which are widely used in the world. Also we will make all stock exchanges in each countries to increase utilization of Solbit.


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How to work Solbit in 'Currency Exchange Platform'?

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